Dr. Keith Arnold began his membership in the now defunct Brazos Valley Aquarium Society in 1972. Additionally, he was a founder of the now defunct Fish Judges Registry of Texas.

Dr. Arnold was the life blood of Federation of Texas Aquarium Societies (FOTAS) for several decades, serving as Treasurer for most of his tenure.

Professionally, Dr. Arnold was a professor at Texas A&M University, where he carried out bird research for 39 years and is still Emeritus Professor and Curator Emeritus of Birds for the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences. In 2007, Dr. Arnold wrote the renowned book Birds of Texas.

Along with Marvin England, Dr. Arnold continues to serve as an Advisor to the current FOTAS leadership.

The Dr. Keith Arnold scholarship is presented to a student who’s studies have implications in aquatics. The award is presented in the form of a bursary.